See Our Full Line at the Lubrikit Store


The "Lubri-Kit"
- Two 15cc Syringes of
Lubriplate SFL-0 Grease

- Plus a 4oz Bottle of
Lubriplate FMO 350-AW Oil

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Lubri-Kit with hBN

- Two 15cc Syringes of
Lubriplate SFL-0 Grease
with Hexagonal Boron Nitride

-Plus a 4oz Bottle of
Lubriplate FMO-350-AW Oil

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Guardian LP Kit
- Two 15cc Syringes of
Lubrikit EX2B Grease with
Hexagonal Boron Nitride

-Plus a 4oz Bottle of
Guardian LP Oil

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The longest lasting corrosion protection available


Guardian Gun Cleaning Kit:
- 4oz Bottle of Guardian Gun Cleaner
- Two 15cc Syringes of EX-2B Grease
- 4oz Botlle of Lubrikit Guardian LP Oil

Normally $24.95 + shipping
Now $19.95 + shipping

Select Kit from the Dropdown Menu:

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Lubrikit's Lubriplate SFL-0 Grease:
Lubriplate grease has been well known for many years to be an excellent firearm lubricant.
Used by the military, it was issued for use on the M14 rifle (Also known as the M1A in the civilian version).
With tighter tolerances on newer firearms the SFL series, specifically SFL-0 became the best grease available with its lighter consistency.
- Grant Cunningham a well known professional gunsmith writes "For such things as autoloader slides and rifle bolts,
Lubriplate "SFL" NLGI #0 grease is my choice. In testing, it has proven itself superior as a general lubricant.
It is white, aluminum-based, low odor, has superb boundary lubricants, and is designed specifically for use in environments that encounter
a very wide temperature range (-40F to 300F). It's also resistant to water washout and acid/alkali environments, has great
shear resistance, and doesn't oxidize like lithium greases will. As an all-around grease I've found nothing better."

Lubrikit's Lubriplate FMO-AW oil
"If we were to spec out a "best in class" oil, it would be Lubriplate's FMO-AW oil,
specifically the 350-AW weight. This is an oil designed with very high boundary protection and very high corrosion resistance -
especially in the presence of acids, alkalis, and moisture. It is darned near tailor-made for our use!"

- Quoted from Grant Cunningham's "Lubrication 101"

Customer Video:



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Non Toxic: Authorized by NSF for use in food processing facilities as a lubricant or anti-rust agent
where there may be contact with edible products.

Use to Maintain Rubber and Plastic Gaskets - Good for air guns, paintball markers and AEGs as well.

Guardian LP and EX-2 Grease

Also available is the Lubrikit
TWO 30cc syringes of SFL-0 Grease
+ 4oz Bottle of oil for $29 shipped

15cc and 30cc syringes shown below for size comparison:


HOW TO #1:
Lube Your Automatic Pistol (With Grease)

HOW TO #2:
Lubricating the AR-15 with Grease

We just received our new pails of SFL-0 grease, so for a limited time:

Click Here to get an extra syringe of SFL-0 grease with any kit purchase!

Food safe synthetic oil and grease for lubrication of your firearms and knives.


About Us

How to Maintain Your Firearm

Lubrication 101

Galil Night Sights
